Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Eve’s Bayou

The film Eve’s Bayou is a very intense and touching film. At some points I identified with the characters so much that I was lost in story. The over-protective mother, the daddy’s little girl relations, but most of all the sisters/best friend relationships.

The times when I felt most in touch with the film was during scenes when there were issues between the sisters, Cisely and Eve. The relationship I have with my sister is incomparable to any other relationship that I have. I am extremely close with her and at times have lost rational thought while trying to protect her, even as an adult. I speak in terms of overreaction, comparing myself to Eve when she wanted her father dead when Cisely told her that he hurt her. I have no idea what my reaction would be if someone hurt my sister in such a way, but I know that it would probably be close to Eve’s reaction.

I also really understood Cisely’s actions in the very beginning of the film when she told Eve that she was mistaken about the affair she had witnessed between their father and Metty Mereaux. During this seen she was trying to protect the well being her whole family, her father from getting in trouble, as well as the innocence of her baby sister. Overall, this was a great film. Identifying with the characters of a movie really makes it for me!



Aimee said...

I can definitely see the relationships that you've outlined in your first paragraph and I admit that I missed those completely in my memory of the film. Thank you for pointing them out. You're right that there are many elements of the relationships that people can relate to and I think that that's in part what makes it an interesting film.

vcornejo said...

I also identified with one of the characters, specifically the oldest daughter. This movie was great at depicting relationships within a family.
Being the oldest daughter, I sympathized with the character in Eve's Bayou, in trying to be the glue that keeps the family together even though it's not necessarily her job.
It was a great movie, and just by the amount of people who can relate to it, it shows the realness of the characters and film.

Nicole and Megan said...

Sisterly relations are very important and unique. It is true that we protect our sisters. I do not get along with my sister but I still protect her. It is true we can definatly relate to some films and get lost in them.